Newsletter 11 (October 2021)
Past and Upcoming Events
Greetings everyone,
Welcome to the October 2021 Edition of IEEE WIE Unimelb newsletter.
We have had an eventful month at WIE with two very successful events. Earlier in the month we had a Data Visualisation Python Workshop which brought many people of all differing …
Newsletter 10 (September 2021)
Hello everyone,
We hope you are all doing well and are safe wherever you are around the world. Women in Engineering Unimelb had big plans for in-person activities this semester, but unfortunately Melbourne was plunged into another long lockdown. This meant that we had to switch …
Newsletter 9 (August 2021)
IEEE WIE Unimelb
Hello everyone,
Welcome back to the second semester of 2021! We hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready to take on a new semester.
Last semester kicked off with a Meet and Greet on campus but unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions in Melbourne, …
Newsletter 8 (June 2021)
Time Management Tips during Exam Period
By Alisha Shewale
As the exams are approaching, you might be thinking how to improve your time management skills and schedule your days so that you can strike a good balance between home, work, and university life.
Most people do not take …
Newsletter 7 (May 2021)
What’s been happening at IEEE WIE Unimelb?
By Simona Karevska
Past events:
To kick start the mid semester break, we held a Game Night on the 1st of April. It was time to relax and wind down after a tiring few weeks. Since we have many members still …
Newsletter 6 (April 2021)
IEEE WIE Past and upcoming events
Arni Dhar
Past Events:
Meet and Greet event
2020 was a hectic and long year with online working. Staying at home, meeting people virtually, connecting with long distance friends, the year passed. Finally, IEEE WIE conducted a Meet and Greet event on March …
Newsletter 5 (March 2021)
IEEE WIE Past and upcoming events
Arni Dhar
Figure 1: FEIT online orientation event screenshot
Past Events
Orientation Introduction
A new year and a new Semester! For all the new students recently joining our University of Melbourne, we warm-heartedly welcome you. During the orientation on 22nd February, we introduced …
Newsletter 4 (February 2021)
IEEE WIE Past and upcoming events
Arni Dhar
IEEE WIE meeting event screenshot
Past Event
New Committee 2021
Recently we just held an election of IEEE WIE UniMelb committee on 17th December 2020. Our new committee members are:
Chair: Ishita Akhter
Vice-Chair: Simona Karevska
Secretary: Arni Dhar
Treasurer: Abigail Yuan
Webmaster: Elaheh Alipourchavary
Activity Organiser: Alice F. Branco
Upcoming Event
With the new year’s …
Newsletter 3 (January 2021)
Hi everyone,
Congratulations on making it through 2020 despite all the hardships that the year brought to us. IEEE WIE UniMelb wishes you all a very happy and blessed 2021! In this January ‘21 newsletter edition, we are sharing awards won by IEEE UniMelb volunteers, our …
Newsletter 2 (December 2020)
Hi everyone,
This is the December 2020 Newsletter by the UniMelb IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Student Affinity Group. In this version, we share our upcoming election details, launch of our LinkedIn account, and an inspiring story of IEEE WIE volunteering and job landing experience because …
Newsletter 1 (November 2020)
This is the first newsletter by the UniMelb IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) student affinity group. In this edition, we are sharing a note by our chair, a call for nominations for our upcoming elections for 2021 committee, a light-hearted article on Melbourne’s lockdown, and …