Contact Us

You can reach us by email:

Centennial IEEE Student Branch Counselor: Professor Haleh Hosseini    /

Electronics Program Coordinator: Professor Kam Tang  

Centennial College
School of Engineering Technology & Applied Science
Progress Campus, Room A2-30, 941 Progress Ave., Toronto, ON
Mailing: PO Box 631, Station A, Toronto, ON, Canada M1K 5E9

2022-2023 Centennial IEEE Student Branch Executive Committee:

Chairs: Ali Salehi / Ivander Brian Halim / Omar Zholdubayev

Vice-Chairs: Courtney Rhuland / Riddhesh Raval

Secretary:  Mohamed Aldick              

Treasurer:  Abhishek Rauniyar / Mathias Jose Folleco

Web Master: Avery Guo

IEEE Student Branch Counselor: Professor Haleh Hosseini       

Program Coordinator: Professor Kam Tang

IEEE Student Branch Counselor: Professor Peter So (retired 2021 after teaching at Centennial for 39 years)

The 2020-2021 Centennial IEEE Student Branch Executives:

Chair: Bekinkosi Ngwenya 

Vice-Chair: Vipul Patel, Kyungho Lim

Secretary: Aleena Babu     

Finance: Laura Ha                     

IEEE Student Branch Counselor: Professor Kam Tang

IEEE Student Branch Counselor: Professor Peter So (retired 2021 after teaching at Centennial for 39 years)




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