Our Purpose

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology – Ryerson Chapter is a student led initiative that intends on expanding students’ understanding of biomedical engineering and having them explore the various opportunities provided in industries. Our motive is ensuring that connections are made to other disciplines while emphasizing the importance of Engineering in Medicine and Biology in scientific communities through various workshops, networking events and collaborations.

Chapter Members

Name: Khushi Tailor
Position: Co-Chair 
Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Year of Study: 4th Year 
Fun Fact: 

Name: Aleeza Khan
Position: Co-Chair 
Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Year of Study: 4th Year 
Fun Fact: I absolutely LOVE watching horror movies & will choose them over any genre anyday.

Name: Kia Alizadeh
Position: VP Administration 
Program: Biomedical Engineering
Year of Study: 2nd Year
Fun fact: Coraline is my favourite movie.

Name: Maria Patrick
Position: VP Finance 
Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Year of Study: 4th Year
Fun fact: I love funky socks!!

Name: Isha Baxi
Position: VP Marketing 
Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Year of Study: 4th Year 
Fun Fact: I’m an avid binge watcher! If you ask me if I’ve seen a show, the answer is most likely YES! 

Name: Qussai Antabi
Position: VP Media
Program: Biomedical Engineering
Year of Study: 2nd Year
Fun Fact: Just a dude who’s slowly becoming a polyglot 🤷🏼‍♂️

Name: Yas Montaseri
Position: VP Operations 
Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Year of Study: 2nd Year 
Fun Fact: I used to have a huge eraser collection when I was a kid

Name: Eraj Zaidi
Position: VP Outreach
Program: Computer Engineering
Year of Study: 2nd Year
Fun Fact: I won every race at my elementary school!

Name: Saima Munir
Position: Webmaster
Program: Computer Engineering
Year of Study: 4th Year
Fun fact: I’m a plant mom with 40 plants (so far)!

Position: Graduate Representative
Year of Study: 
Fun Fact: 

Name: Areeba Amjad
Position: Student Representative 
Program: Biomedical Engineering 
Year of Study: 2nd year
Fun Fact: I love doing DIYs and small craft projects!

Name: Matthew Olver
Position: Student Representative
Program: Mechanical Engineering 
Year of Study: 2nd Year 
Fun Fact: Ice cream is my favorite dessert.

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