About Institute
‘The cause of Education, based on the ideals of “Babuji” is being nourished by various Educational Institutions, under the umbrella of Babu Banarasi Das Educational Group, that have come together to pool in their resources and intellectual capital, creating a Campus full of synergy and meaningful learning. The Institutions take full advantage of collective efforts and optimization of resources while still maintaining their distinct identities in a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition. The students gain greater exposure through interaction with their counterparts from other streams, which leads to holistic learning.’
Located in the suburbs of the city of Lucknow, BBDITM is a private college under the BBD Educational Group. It was established in 1998 as a college for engineering and management students and since then has been working to realize the vision for which it was created
IEEE BBDITM Student Branch (STB10214)
The IEEE BBDITM Student Branch (STB10214) was formed in March 2020 primarily consisting of the students of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It quickly grew in members and we now have members from various departments within our student branch, with the numbers still growing. Our team is a closely-knit assemble of curious, optimistic, and hard-working individuals striving to raise the bar of our college and establishing its mark on the map. We hope to continue being supportive and the go-to guys for those students are itching for more than what their surroundings have to offer in terms of opportunities and education.