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Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT Hackaton

The event Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT Hackaton, hosted in Napoli at Piazzale Tecchio’s Facoltà di Ingegneria on the 5th and the 6th of June was a success, thanks to the university’s students’ supervision along with the support of Federico II’s Student Branch.

The hackaton had students from high schools, the Politecnico of Milano and from Brescia challenging each others on the 3 proposed challenges:

  • EtherCAT Challenge: EtherCAT is a communication protocol ideal for industrial automation, Internet of Things and real time applications. This challenge was promoted by the University of Cambirdge, giving more internationality to the event.
  • Roobopoli Challenge: programming of a Roobokart so it may roam the roads, respecting signals and avoiding present obstacles. This challenge was promoted by STMicroelectronics, Bluenet and Perlatecnica.
  • 2nd round of the MiniDrone Challenge: programming of a MiniDrone so it may fly in an established area, using Mathworks Matlab.

The first day began with the registration and identification of the various teams. Their rosters are shown in the following picture:

The teams have then started implementing their projects. Moments of levity weren’t absent, thanks to the various food breaks, which allowed socialization and idea sharing between teams, along with a fun pizza party.
During the second day, tension rose: the students in the MiniDrone challenge alternated within the arena to perfect their program, as did the ones involved in Roobopoli, while those involved in EtherCAT were busy in a true race against time.

During the event before the ending challenge, the three student branches (Campus Biomedico di Roma, SB Brescia, SB Napoli) introduced themselves to all the students and illustrated their activities and objectives for the year that’s running and the following ones and received an award for their activity and important support.
The most intense moments followed: the teams competed with their creation. There was still room for acts of sportsmanship and cooperation.

The winning teams follow:

  • Mathworks:
    1. Place: Fuori controllo (Napoli): Andrea Giusti, Giancarlo Maffettone, Alessandrto Sofia, Andrea Fimiani.
    2. Place: Neptuno (Milano): Jose Juan Sanchez Tellez, Javier Mario, Quintero Plata
    3. Place: POLImate (Milano): Piergiuseppe Pezzoli, Matteo Vescovi, Alessio Fancicani
  • Roobopoli:
    1. Place: Kernel Panic ( scuola superiore di Benevento)
    2. Place: Focaccia (scuola superiore di Salerno)
    3. Place: ZafTeam (scuola superiore Caserta)
  • EtherCAT:
    • AIM : Senatore, Viola, Asciolla.

Below is a small gallery with some of the most important moments of the event. Click on a picture to open it in a new tab. Click here to see all the pictures available (outside website)

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