
The University of Pavia is located in Pavia, Lombardy, Italy. It is one of the most ancient university in Europe and the oldest of the its region. Carlo IV founded the Studium Generale in 1361, a renowned law and literature school, but there were mentions of higher education institution already in the IX century. Until the XIX century, the University of Pavia was the only one in the Douchy of Milan.

The XVIII century was one of the most important for the University of Pavia. Some of the famous academic were the naturalist Lazzaro Spallanzani, the mathematicians Gerolamo Cardano and Lorenzzo Mascheroni, the physicist Alessandro Volta, the doctor Antonio Scarpa. In the Napoleonic era, Vincenzo Monti and Ugo Foscolo. Nobel prize winners were teachers in the University: Camillo Golgi, Giulio Natta and Carlo Rubbia.

Today, the University of Pavia has 2 faculties, 18 departments and 85 degree courses, spread among 2 cities, in Pavia and Cremona. It is actively involved in the international environment, with collaboration with foreign universities and erasmus agreement, and is a great way to get in touch with the job market with stages, internship, collaborations and contacts with industries all around the world.

In 1412, Filippo Maria Visconti further consolidated the universities, invited prominent scholars to teach there and declared an edict giving serious penalties aimed at preventing students from going elsewhere to study.

The scientific campus and the Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, part of the University of Pavia, is relatively young because it was re-founded in1967. Thanks to a development policy quality oriented, it is today ranked among the best Italian Engineering schools. The Faculty of engineering includes different departments:

  • Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Deparment of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
  • Department of Mathematics “Felice Casorati
The IEEE Student Branch finds its home in the second Department of the list.

An international place

The international department of the University of Pavia is strengthening the international vocation of our academic institution by implementing Degree Courses in Englihs and several projects spread around the world. Since 2020 Pavia is one of the seven historical universities founding european alliance ” Ec2u European campus of city universities” : this multicultural and multilinguistic consortium works hard to transmit sustainable development values and brings them into the daily life of academics and citizens.

The activities in Pavia are organized in synergies with the municipality and local associations with the main goals of developing an innovative space allowing mobility to flow freely between the seven universities and cities and contributing to overcome cliched views of regional and national identities by promoting social inclusion.

The university of Pavia strongly believes in such international andambitious projects which allow the institution to be in the leading position toward adaptation to changes and search of new paths to explore and new life changing discoveries to be made.

Come and visit us!