Posts tagged with: news

CSS and PMS Guiding Event

🎉 Get ready for an extraordinary event dedicated to CSS and PMS competitive exams, brought to you by IEEE UCET IUB Student Branch! 📚

Are you passionate about pursuing a career in CSS (Central Superior Services) or PMS (Provincial Management Services)? Do you dream of serving …

IEEE UCET IUB won Seven National IEEE Awards at 14th IEEE PSYWSC’21

Heartily Congratulations to all IEEE UCET IUB Family members for another milestone, another victory.
Once again, IEEE UCET IUB proudly announces the news, We won 7 National IEEE Awards at Pakistan Student/WIE/YP/SIGHT Congress 2022. First time in the history of IEEE UCET IUB with in a …

IEEE IUB won Seven Awards at IEEE AGM 2021

By the Grace of Allah Almighty, IEEE UCET IUB won Seven Awards at the IEEE Annual General Meeting 2021 of the IEEE Lahore(Pakistan) Section. Mr. Owais Liaqat (Former Chair) along with Ms. Nosheen received the awards on behalf of IEEE UCET IUB.
Heartiest congratulations to the …

Social Distancing Alert System

Nowadays we are suffering from the biggest pandemic of coronavirus. It a disease that is spreading
through the physical interaction of people while they don’t maintain social distancing. Now the
world is developing so fast that we cannot stop working and stay at home for …

Cyber Security For Public Private Data Breach Seminar

As the world is increasingly interconnected, everyone shares the responsibility of security cyberspace.
IEEE UCET IUB with the collaboration of the Human care foundation (HCF), Signal Processing Society (SPS), and IEEE FJWU is going to organize an informative session about cyber Security For public-private Data …

Volunteer of the Month, Nov 2021

“You cannot believe in honor until you have achieved it. Better keep yourself clean and bright you are the window through which you must see the world.”
~Sir Walter Besant

IEEE UCET IUB is presenting a Monthly Award, ‘Volunteer of the Month, November 2021’ to Mr. Samiullah …

Call for Volunteers 2021-22

News Updates

Volunteer Call 2021-22

#count-down-wrap-9321 .ult_countdown-amount { font-weight:normal; font-family : ; color: #ffffff; } #count-down-wrap-9321 .ult_countdown-period{font-weight:normal; color: #0a0204; font-family: ;font-weight:bold;bold}2021/12/15 23:57:00 CLICK HERE TO APPLY






“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”
~Estée Lauder.
Call for Volunteers
IEEE UCET IUB Student Branch is inviting fresh young officers to join IEEE …

IEEE Regional Exemplary student branch Award 2021

IEEE UCET IUB is proud to announce that it has been presented with the award of “IEEE Regional Exemplary student branch Award 2021” for its outstanding performance and series of tremendous events aimed at empowering the young generations through technical activates and professional networking opportunities.

Read …


Upcoming Event

Join us at Auditorium, New Engineering Building, IUB

#count-down-wrap-1111 .ult_countdown-amount { font-weight:normal; font-family : ; color: #ffffff; } #count-down-wrap-1111 .ult_countdown-period{font-weight:normal; color: #0a0204; font-family: ;font-weight:bold;bold}2021/12/02 12:00:00






“You become what you have as a need the most to become.”
~Maria Karvouni
Freshers! The wait is over and the door of …

IEEE Farewell 2021

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”

IEEE UCET IUB organized IEEE Farewell 2021 to say Good Bye to the Immediate Past Executive Committee.

The chair Bahawalpur sub-section, Dr. Muhammad Ali Qureshi, the branch counselor Dr. Asjad Amin, the past chairperson Mr. Owais Liaqat, the …