Upcoming Event
One Week One Lab Celebration
“Advancement in Healthcare Technology(AiTH 2023)”
[masterslider_pb title=”Check the poster presentation results of “Emerging Materials for Sustainable Development (EMSD)” conference by clicking on the EMSD tab above”]
Welcome to IEEE AcSIR-CSIO Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch of AcSIR-CSIO seeks to enhance the learning experience of the student community on the CSIR-CSIO campus. The Student Branch focuses on conducting social and technical activities for students, and also encourages the students to take full advantage of the benefits of IEEE membership, including scholarships, competitions, and conference grants. The Student Branch also intends to provide opportunities for students to network with peers in other institutes, academicians, professionals, engineers, and scientists through the on campus IEEE Student Branch and the Local IEEE Section, thereby encouraging students to be a part of the global IEEE community.