Spring 2024 Events
We have so many events planned this semester! This no only includes technical-related vents, not also social, professional, academic, and more! We hope to see you in these events:)

Internal Micromouse Competition
This event is a competition to have your mouse solve the maze as fast as possible! To prepare for this event, you can come in to out lab, or participate in OPS program to make your own micromouse. Winner will have a chance to compete in IEEE R1 Micromouse Competition.
OPS(Open Project Space) is a semester-long project led by fellow students to help other students have hands-on experience with beginner friendly projects involving Arduino, hardware, and software skills used in electrical engineering and related fields. Every week we have two sessions of workshops and you can choose any day that is more convenient for you!

Soldering Workshop
With all the supplies already ready in our own lab, we will help students solder with a custom PCB designed by our executive board! All majors are welcome, and it’s perfectly fine if you don’t have any experience!
ChatGPT Workshop
These days, ChatGPT is an essential tool for engineers and we are holding a workshop on how to integrate the API into their projects. As Hopper Hacks is drawing near, we plan to help students understand more about API and generate their own project during bootcamp week.

GBM #3: Professional Development Event
Planned out by our new extended executive board members, we are hosting this event to prepare students’ future career. We hope students can learn interview skills and practice by mock interview, and have a headshot session for their future interview!
NAI Company Tour
Last semester, thanks to Zebra Tech, students had a chance to learn how it is to work in an engineering field. This semester, we are planning to go to North Atlantic Industries facility in Long Island to learn more about their work environment and have in depth conversations with their top engineers.

Pre-Career Fair
As a collaboration event with AIAA, we hope students to learn how to improve their resume, make and refine their elevator pitch, and about resources on campus that can secure them a job or internship. Students will also be able to take headshots during the event.
Engineering Mixer
Also a collaboration event with other engineering organizations, we helped students freely talk with company representatives by rotation and build network for future career. Thanks to GE Healthcare, General Dynamics/Electric Boat, Natech Plastics, IPG Photonics, Gramercy Group Inc. Control Technologies, AMA Group, TC Electric, DiLandro Andrews Engineering, Forte/TAP Electric, U.S. Secret Service, Marine Officer Programs, Penta Restoration Group, Brookhaven National Lab, and Air Distribution Enterprises for attending!

Discover Stem Day
As a collaboration event with SWE, Society of Women Engineers, we are hosting a STEM related workshops for young girls and girl scouts in middle school and younger. Last year, we taught how LEDs light up and helped them create their own night light using a jar and a simple LED circuit and decorate with papers and stickers.
GBM #2: Game Night Social
We know students are stressed out as it feels like semester just started…but midterm season is drawing near! Come join us to destress by playing fun games with friends while getting to know more about our e-board members:)

FoodIEEEs Fundraiser
Come support our club as we are having a fundraiser selling delicious snacks!
- Tanghulu: Preorder $4, On spot $5
- Horchatas: Preorder $3, On spot $4
- Egg waffles: Preorder $4, On spot $5
ESE Review Sessions
Led by our fellow e-board member who took the courses before, we want to helps students prepare their final exam for ESE 124, 271, and 331.

GBM #4 ESE Classes In a Nutshell
To help students in engineering field, our upperclassmen would like to guide them on how to succeed in this major and tips on ESE courses.