Participate in our
Student Poster Competition

Phase One: Abstract Submission Process

Requirements and Recommendations

Any abstract presented must be limited to a maximum of 500 words and mention the following aspects:

  1. Title
  2. Name and author affiliations
  3. Abstract:
    • Introduction detailing enough information to explain the context of the project.
    • Objectives
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Brief conclusion regarding the most important findings and learnings throught the process.
  4. Keywords (max 7)

* This contest is available for Undergraduate Students and we will only receive works where at least one student identifies himslef as first author.

Important dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:

July 5th 2020

Notification of acceptance

July 13th 2020

Phase Two: Poster Submission Process

Outline Guide

All posters should include author’s names and affiliations, and should be presented in A0 format (841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 in) According to the template which can be found at the rigth:

  1.  Clear and concise title.
  2.  Summary including the principal aspects of the project (max 250 words).
  3.  Methodology used for developing the project.
  4.  Results and discussion including figures and tables.
  5.  Conclusions highlighting the main findings.

The goals / objectives of the project, methodoloy, results, future work and other discussions should be written considering a language inclusive for students from any discipline such as natural and health sciences and engineering amongst others. We highly recommend the use of tables, pictures, photographs, diagramas, charts and other graphical tools which may help to a better understanding of the project.

Important dates


Poster Submission Deadline

(Once the abstract is accepted)

August 17th 2020

Phase Three: Poster presentation

We will soon outline the strategy for poster presentation