Insituto The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)

IEEE is the world’s largest technical organization dedicated to the advance of techonology for the benefit of humanity. Its members inspire the global community to innovate for a better future throught publications, conferences, technological standards and educational and professional activities.

IEEE Student Branch - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

In the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá we are appointed to the IEEE Student Branch which gathers over a hundred undergraduate students from different engineering programs who are eager to expand the frontiers of knowledge in benefit of others. Therefore as EMB Student Chapter we collaborate with other nine societies amongst student chapters and afinity groups such as, AESS (Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society), APS (Antennas and Propagation Society), Computer, ComSoc (Communication Society), EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility Society), RAS (Robotic and Automation Society), PES (Power & Energy Society), WIE (Women in Engineering).

For further information you may find us in the IEEE office located in the building 411 of the Faculty of Engineering. You may write us at