December Newsletter

Hello SIEEEwolves!

Welcome to the December IEEE newsletter. You’re in the final stretch now – you’ve come so far and just need to cross that finish line! Good luck!
Here’s your events digest:

12/7: ESE 124 Review Session
12/8: ESE 331 Review Session
12/11: ESE 271 Review Session

As a reminder, we will not be holding lab hours for finals week. The lab may still be open, but we won’t guarantee the times.

To quickly sign up for any of these events, visit the Linktree:

Review Sessions!

Review for the ESE 124, ESE 331, and ESE 271 finals coming up!

Pick our brains, learn new things, and grind out the rest of this semester!

RSVP:  No RSVP. Just show up.

Light Engineering 250

IEEE Lab Hours

For those of you looking to use the lab for yourselves, our lab hours are attached. Feel free to stop by anytime: drop by to do some work in quiet space, pick our brains, or just say hi!

Live updates are posted in our Discord server in the channel #is-the-lab-open.

Lab Hours are also posted in the channel #😎lab-hours😎

Lab Suggestions

Do you have any suggestions for the lab?

Fill out this form to let us know what you’d like to see happen at IEEE.

Highlights Form

Is there an exceptional IEEE member that you’d like to highlight? Are you doing an insane project that you need to show the world?

Fill out the form below: we’d love to hear about it!

Nomination Form:

That’s all for now! I’ll see everyone next semester ! Have a wonder winter wonderland!

Kyle Han
IEEE @ SBU Secretary


Lab Suggestion Form: